Welcome to the Community
The UK is a nation of generous people, generous in giving and also in helping whatever the situation, whatever the problem.
We are part of that community based in Coventry, West Midlands. We have recognised an opportunity to help together with you, get answers , get recommendations, solve problems and generally keep you happy about the everyday purchases you make online and offline,
We introduce you to new and old businesses near you that have your health, your welfare and your finances at the heart of their business.
You will ask about goods you already have or wish to purchase, You may want to ask about services you require. We are here to answer some of those questions and we invite you to get involved and do the same. We appreciate a few minutes of your precious time that you may take to answer or recommend anything to the community.
Got any problems or technical questions in how to use the site? Feel free to send a message to our Site Admin who will be more than happy to assist you. Login with Facebook or Register to get a password.
Happy Hunting